Wednesday, October 5th: Well, it started out as a normal trip for us. We had a late start, but had barely made it around the block before we had to go back to the house because I forgot something. We were all the way to Holland when we remembered that we forgot to go to the bank. After finding a bank, we were on the road for good. This time we made it all the way to the southern end of Illinois before we stopped for the night.
Thursday, October 6th: We were up and on our way about 8 a.m. No problems/no worries... that is until we stopped for the night in Oklahoma. Not a great RV park but you get what you pay for and we only spent $25. I think we overpaid. As we set up I did a walk around the motor home and thought that the right rear tire looked soft. I was partly right. The inside rear tire was soft. Well no big deal because we have GOOD SAM ROAD SERVICE. I figured we'd watch the Tigers beat the Yankees and call Good Sam in the morning.
Friday, October 7th: Called Good Sam's and talked to Freddy and explained that I needed someone to come out and take a look at the tire and repair it if needed. Well now it gets interesting, so pay attention. Freddy said they could send someone out to (1) replace it with my spare, not an option due to the fact most motor homes have no spare. I do have a lug wrench but no jack and no spare. (2) They could sell me a tire over the phone and have someone come out and put it on, (I still haven't figured that one out), or (3) have someone come out and put air in it and I could take it somewhere to have it fixed. What the heck, why do I pay these people all that money for "stupid" answers. Well after this I just told him to send some one out to put air in it and thanks to Jeff (the service man that came out) he did put air in it after he found the leak.
I-40 RV Park Shamrock, TX. |
Just before the storm in TX |
All right... we are off... right into the wind. Now don't get me wrong, I can handle a little wind but this was not a little wind... this was a BIG WIND! It was so strong that when we stopped and took the dogs out on their long leashes it looked like we had dog kites. No, really, people kept coming up to find out where we bought them so they could get one, too. Well, after the morning start with the Bad Sam Road Service ( I am not done with them yet) and fighting the crosswinds all day, we made it to Shamrock, Texas. A nice park, the bathrooms and showers are clean. It's still windy, but the sunset was nice.
Saturday, October 8th: We woke up to not just the wind but now we also have rain, thunder and lighnting. We drove out of everything but the wind in about an hour but the wind was even stronger then the day before. The poor motor home stayed in 5th gear most of the time. The only time it ever went into 6th was when a truck passed us and blocked the wind for a moment or two. We finally made it to Albuquerque, N.M. and found a spot for the night. The first place we stopped at wanted $75 for one night, after I pulled myself up off the floor and asked her "how much?" and she repeated $75 ( I thought that was what she said ), I told her I would stay at a Wal-Mart before I paid that much for a site. We did stay at a quaint little park (notice the quaint). They did have an outdoor sales area and we are trying to decide if we want to downsize a little. See picture below.
Well that's all for this entry. I know that we don't have a lot of pictures, but we were traveling 8 and 9 hours a day and not stopping for pictures. I promise the next installment will have some great shots. I myself am amazed at what a good photographer I have become with a point and shoot camera. Until next time, keep shopping at Meijers and moving those trains. I need the retirement money every month.
Not sure about all of that chrome!! |