We did have the beach walk again this year so that means we helped fold 4000 luminaries, then fill them with sand and a candle, then put them out, then light them and then pick them all up. I didn't include any pictures this time but if you want to see how pretty they look, go back to the Dec. 2011 part 2 blog.
We took a day and went to the city of Alamogordo to the Space and History Museum. It was interesting to see all of the displays that showed the evolution of space exploration. They had some real nice displays and objects from the "Race for Space". It's hard to believe that men went up in those first space capsules and made it back to earth. Some of those first capsules were so small and cramped that they must of used a shoe horn to get them in and a can opener to get them out.
How many of you remember Sputnik? Not much to look at but it was a start. They had a shuttle simulator so that you could try to see if you could land it "safely". Holly tried it a couple of times and was real close. I tried and let me just say that from the sound of tearing metal and busting glass, I don't think there were any survivors.
We went down by El Paso Texas to the War Eagles Museum. This was mainly an air museum tracing man's quest to fly. They have several different planes from all over. It was hard to believe how many planes they had packed in that building. Along with the planes there were also several old cars, motor cycles and military vehicles.
That's about it for now. We have some outings planned for January and we will see what else we can do to keep ourselves entertained. For now Holly and I wish everyone a wonderful and Happy New Year. We are looking forward to the rest of our time here in New Mexico and then back home to visit take care of some things and then do what we have found out that we love doing "On The Road". See ya all next month.
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